DIOGO TUDELA: generations of love for coffee.

The story of the Tudela family with coffee began in the mid-70s, in Paraná, a state in the south of Brazil with a small 100-hectare coffee farm. After a heavy frost, they decided to sell the farm and go to the Cerrado Mineiro region, in Minas Gerais, where remain until today.

Currently, the farm permanently employs 42 people and during harvest time this number goes up to 60 people. The harvest season lasts from 4 to 5 months, since it does not only entail the harvest itself but the entire coffee processing, as well as its benefit and preparation. Even with all the technology available, the harvest of new coffees is done manually in the first three harvests, as new plants are still very sensitive. Diogo does not give up manual harvesting because he sees it as a way to preserve the plant’s service life for longer.

In regards to his contribution to the community where he operates, Diogo explains that he contributes with educational lectures in schools, aimed at family, work and drug use prevention. Besides that, he provides school supplies for low-income students and he also carries out field work with them, in which the kids visit the farm, plant trees and follow along their growth.